Our experienced criminal defense attorneys in Los Angeles at Kosnett Law Firm are keenly aware of each of our California residents’ rights, as we spend our days protecting them from both criminal and civil violations while we build their cases.

While most of our rights as Americans are innate, no matter where we live, a felony conviction in California or elsewhere can lead to significant losses that can change the way your life unfolds going forward — even after you have served your sentence.

As skilled Los Angeles County criminal defense attorneys, we work hard to help our clients avoid felony convictions, so they can retain their rights and live productive lives going forward.

Here is a brief list of rights our California residents will lose after a felony conviction.

The Right to Be Considered for Certain Employment Opportunities

Having a felony conviction on your record does repeal the right to work.

However, it is legal for employers to deny you employment based on your criminal record.

Some applications, depending on the employer, openly ask if the applicant has been convicted of a felony. Even when they do not, many employers will run criminal background checks on potential candidates before offering them a position. When their research returns a felony conviction, chances of landing the position are significantly minimized.

The Right to Be Considered for State or Federal Financial Assistance Programs

Both California and the federal government have many financial assistance programs that include subsidized housing, nutrition assistance programs, and even scholastic financial aid opportunities. None of those options are available to individuals with a felony conviction, which can make it increasingly difficult to get back on our feet after being released from your legal obligations.

The Right to Obtain Custody of Your Children

When an individual is sentenced to jail or prison, his or her rights to raise their children are immediately removed, as the kids will need to be placed with someone else throughout their sentence, which could include the other parent or another relative.

Even upon your release, especially if your conviction was for a violent or sex crime, you may not be able to get custody, but may be denied visitation if your child’s guardian believes you are dangerous to the child’s well-being.

The Right to Gun Ownership

Anyone who is convicted of a felony will endure a lifetime from using or owning a gun.

The Right to Lead a Life Without Overwhelming Stigma

When someone who has been convicted of a felon fulfills the conditions of their sentence, they continue to be punished for having a criminal record, whether due to lack of employment options in their very own neighborhoods, or when they are unable to coach their kid’s baseball team.

The personal, professional, and public stigma that comes with a felony conviction can change every aspect of your life.

If you are facing a felony charge in Los Angeles, you need to work with an experienced criminal defense attorney who can fight for you in court, so you can pursue the best outcome for your unique charges and maintain control of your life.

Contact our Los Angeles, CA criminal defense attorneys at the Kosnett Law Firm today by calling (310) 445-5900 or by contacting us online to review your unique circumstances and provide straightforward legal options on how we can help.


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